Monday, July 4, 2011

Make Every Monday Your Day to Escape into the World of Romance

   Every Monday I post a new chapter from my novel Surrendering. Read it from the beginning to the end right here at Pages of Romance.

   I keep receiving the question, "Why Mondays?" Well, most people dread Mondays. I figured if I could give them something to look forward to it might start their week out as a good week. And also my kids tend to do their own things on Sundays.

   Surrendering is in the process of editing and I will soon be sending out the terrifying query letter across America. Yikes! Writing the novel was the easy part. Shrinking it into a small three paragraph description has been the struggle. No impossible. Anyone who wants to offer any suggestions on the matter please feel free. It would be greatly appreciated.

   So stop back every Monday. I enjoy all the comments so keep them coming.

   A special thanks to my dear loving sister Chrissy who will not let me let my novel go. She lit the fire in me to keep going. Love ya Sis. Xx Oo.



  1. I am new to your blog and I love the idea of your Monday posts. It will definitely light a fire to the start of my week!


  2. I'm thrilled you found my blog! Come back every Monday so I can spark off the begining of your week.



All comment are welcome and will be posted shortly.

Cary ~ Mizz Romantica